Sonntag, 8. März 2009

Berliner Architekten planen Münchner NS-Dokumentationszentrum

Der Gewinner des Architekturwettbewerbs um das geplante NS-Dokumentationszentrum steht fest. Der erste Preis geht an das Berliner Architektenbüro Georg Scheel Wetzel ... weiter lesen

The winner of the architectural competition around the planned LV documentation centre is certain. The first price goes to citizens of Berlin enviously to the architect's office George Wetzel, said of Munich mayor Christian Ude (SPD) on Sunday. The dreiköpfige team of architects plans king place a würfelförmigen building, which is the surrounding buildings around approximately two floors to tower above and in strong contrast to the adjacent buildings stand on the area beside that Munich. ” This draft was distinguished with overwhelming majority, because it disassociates itself consciously from the surrounding buildings “, justified Ude the decision of the jury. The first price freed itself completely to consider the architecture of the” brown house “in its planning added those Munich Baureferentin Rosemarie Hingerl. The clarity, density and Kraft of the draft convinced the jury. On property at the Brienner road the” brown house “was, the seat of the NSDAP party headquarters during the third realm. 1945 were destroyed the building with an air strike and thereupon torn off. So far the area remained vacant. The total costs for the building of the cube amount to approximately 30 million euros, as Baureferentin Hingerl continued to say. In the costs took part the Free State, the federation and the city to one third each. 2006 had already placed the Free State property free of charge to the realization of this project to the order. Of Bavaria Ministers of Finance Georg (CSU) the decision of the jury drive already welcomed. ” The Free State brings this financial achievement completely consciously, because it is particularly important to me to set straight on the area of the so-called brown house an indication of the clearing-up over the crimes of the LV regime “, said it. The price-crowned draft is presented now to the town councillor for decision. With the building is to be begun in the spring 2011. In the autumn 2013 the cube should be finished. Altogether approximately 50 architects participated in the competition. Eleven of the submitted projects came already in January into the closer choice. The competition work becomes starting from Tuesday (10,3.) in Munich the city museum issued. They can be visited by 12 April.